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We're calling for worldwide short play submissions of max 10min for our new Village live online showcase themed 'LIMITATIONS'!
We will be producing 5 selected submissions to be performed live via Zoom for our Village showcase in June or July, 2021.
Entry Requirements
Revolve around the theme 'LIMITATIONS' and your inference of it. Feel free to explore different elements and sides of the concept
Be originally written and specifically for digital theatre NOT stage theatre
Have some audience participation, as small or as big as you want it to be
Include sensory experience (be it all 5 senses, just one, or a few)
Submission Guidelines
Your short play of max 10min in pdf format to
A short explanation (100-200 words) of why your play is suited for the digital theatre format
By the deadline of April 15, 2021
Selected plays will be announced May 10, 2021, will be produced by KrisP Production and performed by our international pool of actors.
Please read the following before submitting!
Specfically for Digital Theatre
What is a story written specifically for digital theatre?
We are looking for new stories that are specifically written for the digital space, not adapted to a digital space. If after reading your play, you can clearly see it being performed both on stage and on screen. You are not there yet. We're aiming for stories that can only be performed on screen.
It might seem a bit confusing, and one might argue that a story can be adapted for the Zoom format, but these are not the stories we are looking for. We are looking for those that cannot be told without the elements of digital space.
Here are some questions we'd like you to consider before submission:
What’s the entry point of writing a story for the digital space?
What’s the difference between a live space and the digital space?
What are the advantages of the digital platform, Zoom?
How can I use those advantages when writing a script?
How can I engage the audience through this virtual space, in this case, Zoom?
We are not aiming to make a theatre performance on-screen, neither do we want to make a film. The digital theatre experience is something else entirely and if it takes some time to wrap your head around, then know that it's because you are at the forefront of this movement. It's time for new stories to be told in this new way and it starts with you.
How do I include audience participation in my play?
Audience Participation
The audience will be 12 inches away from the screen, looking at an actor that they know is in front of another computer and acting. Unlike in live theatre, there isn't that suspension of disbelief that you can play with. Moreover, it is unlikely that any actor has the technology used in films to utilize digital backgrounds and overlays without making it seem even more like playing pretend.
So, how about acknowledge the audience instead and engaging with them so they become part of the story? Always keep in mind that we will be holding this showcase on the Zoom platform. What are the elements on the Zoom platform that you can play with and incorporate audience participation into? If you don't want to be reliant on the Zoom elements, what is it about the audience being sat in front of a screen that you can utilize?
If you'd like further information, we've written a blog post on how to engage the audience in a virtual theatre space! We hope that helps start your journey into writing these new stories!
We challenge you to think outside the box. As much as it’s interesting to see what can happen over a casual zoom call, challenge yourself to explore what and how else you can explore storytelling via digital space.
Hint: It doesn’t necessarily have to be a text-driven play.
If you have further questions, feel welcome to ask! All the best and looking forward to reading your stories!
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